Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Memory about week 2 (10/05/2009)

In the second week, I decided to stop being lazy, and think through what should I do about my story. I decided to gave up the first two ideas, and go for the 3rd idea, which is the Martial art one. I had changed the story line a bit.

A peaceful morning, a young martial artist came to visit a monk who lives on a mountain, they didn't say much. Young martial artist just go " I have heard you are the strongest one.. So are you ready?!" Then the monk just smile, the young one attacked the monk.
But then the young martial artist was defeated easily by the monk. The monk ask him to look at the mountain, then there are another mountain behind it which was much tall. What the monk are tryin to tell is no matter how hard you pratice, in this whole wide world, there are always someone better than you. But then the monk asked him to look at the the sky above the mountain, that those mountains can never reach. What the monk are tryin to tell is, you can never be the best because no one can be the best, no one can be perfect.
But what I am truely tryin to tell in my story is my philosphy " I believe human can alway improve themself eternally within their limited life~~~"
I presented it to Johnny, well I don't know what I was talking about at that time anyway, and I
also showed him some of my crappy rough drawings.
Frankfully he like it, he mentioned about something like he think who's idea would made them get a job in the animation industry, and them he mention about the my idea woud go straight into "Channel 4". Woo~~~I don't know if he actually mean it. Believe or not~~~ well what ever mate~~~ I was really happy about it, so I decided to go more further about this story. so some nicer stroyboards had been done in the same week.

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