Friday, 20 November 2009

Memories of week5 (26/10/2009)

In Week 5, because my storyline are pretty much settled, so I've decided to spent time on my story board, but just before I start drawing , Johnny asked me produed my script in another form, which to write down every scene including timing and lenght of my story on mini posters, and then stick them all onto an A4 paper. The point of it is to help us to work out the timing easier, and also we can just remove the poster and relpace a new one whenever we change our storyline again. In the beginning I deagree with this because I've done my script already, and I don't think I would change my story line again. But After a while I thought maybe it would help on my timing, and the writing on my sketch book were really too rough too read, so I've finally have agree to do it. Well Johnny is the tutor and Charlie think it's a good idea too, so better to take their advise, get my ass sit down and do the work.....

Fxxk...... Rewriting the script was really stressful, it was also really boring as well... I could concentrate on this so I could finish it in week 5, only got half of the scripts done......
So when I am not concentrating on the script, I spent my time on doing some drawing.
Here are some researchs and experiments drawing for the background design:

Pictures reseaches about mountains, I wasn't sure what should the moutains look like in my animation, and I wasn't sure about what kind of style it should be as well
Experimental drawing about mountain, I put little characters in the drawing and tried to find out which style will fit my characters.

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